Monday, August 25, 2008


Last week of August ...

29 years ago I was building sandcastles in Spain with my one-year-old son.

28 years ago I was camping in the rain in France with aforementioned son and a heavily pregnant Tillerwoman.

20 years ago I was helping to run an Optimist sailing camp for kids at Rutland Sailing Club attended by both of my sons.

8 years ago I was helping to teach Sunfish sailing to kids in New Jersey.

For way too many years I was in some glass box arguing about budgets and plans and cost allocations and engaging in other stressful office-based activities that seemed important at the time but seem utterly irrelevant now.

On Wednesday evening last week I went sailing on Upper Narragansett Bay in my Laser. The conditions were perfect. I just cruised around and remembered why I enjoyed sailing so much.

I also remembered...
  • why I retired from working in glass boxes

  • why I moved to Rhode Island.

So I could do this.


so said...

i enjoy the spirit of your blog
keep it up
i had a laser as a kid and need to get it going again
i am a hobie 16 dude now
but water is all good
sailing is good

V. said...

Great post. I am experiencing some of what you talk about, the far too many years in a glass box, but at 32. I am taking up sailing at the CBC in Providence and was interested in talking to you about Laser racing a little more. I have a blog and we can plan a night on the water...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I write a post with a 3-letter 1-word title and attract comments from one guy with a 2-letter name and one guy with a 1-letter and a punctuation mark name. There must be a moral there somewhere.

Thanks for the comments v. Sure we can talk about Laser sailing and maybe go out sailing some time. Email me at tillermeister at

Anonymous said...

OK, it's 'O Docker', but I got the memo.

Congratulations on sailing your age
(a few days ago).

Congratulations on escaping New Jersey (something it took me too long to do).

Congratulations on retiring.
(I have a few more years to go).

After an idyllic weekend on The Boat, I'm having one of the worst Monday's possible in a glass box.

I wish that I didn't understand your 'whY' as well as I do.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I seem to have struck a chord with my hastily jotted notes about Why. One other reader even sent me an email about this whole issue.

Maybe I should continue on this theme... perhaps a minimalist post on When?

By the way, O wins the contest for shortest name.

David said...

I want to be like T-man.

Ɓukasz Cyrus said...

Thank you for this post. Being 30 now I'm trying to get the right course and not regret anything later.
Good luck.

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