Congratulations to the gold medal winners from New Zealand at the recent Sailing World Cup event, the Princess Sofia Trophy in Palma. Jo Aleh and Bianca Barbarich-Bacher won the Women's 470 event and Sara Winther won the Laser Radial gold. This is a very good set of results and bodes well for a strong showing by the Kiwi ladies at the Olympics next year.
The video above is not of Kiwi sailors. It actually shows one of the Spanish sailors, LucĂa Pres Yllera, sailing her Radial at Palma. Woo hoo!
The photo at the top of the post is not of Kiwi sailors either. It is actually of sheep in New Zealand. Apparently a lot of New Zealand jokes are about sheep. I found some of these jokes on the Interwebs and I didn't think they were at all suitable for a family-oriented blog like this one. So have a good laugh at the photo instead. Or not.
People from New Zealand are, of course, extremely popular in the USA and many people here are rooting for them to do well in the Olympics. Americans feel a certain bond with other countries who escaped from the rule of the dastardly British and who, like them, speak a dialect of English with a strange accent. It's so much easier than trying to understand the French.
This post was sponsored by the New Zealand Lamb Marketing Board who would have made a generous contribution to the Tillerman Laser Sailing 2011 Campaign and Tuesday Night Beer Fund if only I had found a family-friendly joke about sheep that was actually funny.
And what would we do without New Zealand lamb racks, New Zealand kiwifruit, New Zealand Pinot Noir, New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc........
Funny, after typing the words New Zealand so many times, all of a sudden they look weird.
I can't believe you're blogging about which Kiwis won what sailing medals when there is a real crisis in the sailing world.
Over at The World Tour, Taru is having a bad hair day.
Surrounded by the desolation of endless turquoise water and white, sandy beaches, and forced to survive on a subsistance diet of French wines, tropical fruits, rum drinks and seafood, she's now facing that awful dilemma of not having a hair salon nearby with adequate product.
But it gets worse. It seems that she is a natural blonde, but has been hiding that fact by dying her hair black and now it's all going south on her.
That's right - her blonde roots are showing!
You can imagine how women laboring in factories and cubicles the world over must feel the pain of a fashion model stuck on a sailing yacht in the Caribbean, with her naturally blonde hair starting to show.
Have you no compassion? No sensitivity? At long last, sir, have you no decency?
O Docker, I feel more for the pain of all the male readers of The World Tour who have not seen a new picture of Taru in a bikini for a whole week now. The inclusion of the picture of Mlle. Bardot in my last post was a service to this frustrated sector of our community, and I hope you appreciated it.
Baydog, the words "New Zealand" look weird because they are wrong. It was of course originally named by the Dutch as "Nieuw Zeeland". Doesn't that look much better?
On behalf of my client, JP, who is currently under a bit of stress at present, can I emphasis the benefits in general well being that comes from the posting of pictures of mermaids, women called Lucia sailing fast, Mlle Bardot and Taru in a bikini (though only on good hair days of course) etc etc
For medical purposes, you understand.
I totally understand, Doctor. I don't suppose you are allowed to prescribe these treatments on the NHS these days, but if JP is prepared to go private we can arrange for a regular supply of the medications he needs.
As maybe the only Kiwi here in the US who reads your blog, I find I am a unique situation of being able to comment........... ummmm, crikey what do I say now..... oh yes. Sheep, kiwifruit, rugby, beer, wine and sailing are what we do best. For a country of only 4.5mil, it continues to amaze me that we do so well (and fills me full of pride). Its all got to do with the "mighty underdog" mentality and its bred into us. I was interested to not see NZ (Baydog - use NZ, we all do)on the world ranking chart - how did that happen? Of course "rankings" mean nothing to a Kiwi since they only inflate the "top dogs" egos.
By the way, O Docker, all is well!
Remind me again why we are following this women's hair care blog?
Kind of silly at times, huh? Although, I shouldn't talk.
Thanks Mr Tillerman, my client is slightly improved, though worrying about hair dye for some obscure reason.
As a physician, the medical benefits of the sun have been well known, but I hadn't been aware of well being improvements due to pictures in The Sun.
Further research is warranted.
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