Well, everyone had a lot of fun thinking up captions for the photo of
the Sunfish sailor trying to launch through the surf at Lewes Delaware a few days ago.
It's been a wet and windy week in that corner of the country. Apparently, it's even driving the kayakers crazy. This photo was posted on the Facebook page of Qajaq USA which is the American Chapter of Qaannat Kattuffiat - the Greenland Kayak Association, and was originally captioned, "The road to Delmarva."
But I'm sure YOU can think of a better caption than that!
Thanks to Bonnie for drawing this to my attention on her Facebook page.
A disoriented and exhausted kayaker collapses on the river to Delmarva after the out of work AC34 Liveline team demonstrated their technology in Qajaq today. The class 6 rapids were on the right side of the river, and the double yellow lines prohibited the kayaker from crossing to the safer left side.
Nice one MYC.
For those who are not familiar with the weird ways of kayakers, I should point out that the position shown is, believe it or not, actually something they do deliberately when they are on the water. They just don't usually do it in the middle of the road.
Why Don't We Do It In The Road.
Uh.....double yellow lines means no passing out zone
Q: Why did the chicken go halfway across the road?
A: To lay it on the line.
Looks like "Road-kill"!
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