Tillerman, you forgot to set the timer. When you heard the salt truck backing up on the eleven o'clock news, you remembered the DiGiorno pizza you put in the oven two hours ago
She probably put it in the oven and headed off to the bath, leaving you in charge. But, completely absorbed in YouTube videos of frostbiting, you missed what she said, nodding, "Ah yes dear, pizza, right..."
Tillerman, you forgot to set the timer. When you heard the salt truck backing up on the eleven o'clock news, you remembered the DiGiorno pizza you put in the oven two hours ago
Baydog, I think the salt truck Tillerman heard was coming down his street.
He turned to Tillerwoman and said, "Our pizza's here."
It was Tillerwoman who then said, "Crikey! It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno!"
The older you get the blacker it becomes? Better sequester that carbon.
I hope you all realize I stole this picture off the Google somewhere. No way that Tillerwoman would burn the pizza.
We didn't say Tillerwoman burnt the pizza.
She probably put it in the oven and headed off to the bath, leaving you in charge. But, completely absorbed in YouTube videos of frostbiting, you missed what she said, nodding, "Ah yes dear, pizza, right..."
Stole the photo off the internet, indeed!
She would never trust me with such an important culinary responsibility.
Well, never again, at any rate.
I hope you realize you'll now have to get her a really nice frozen pizza for Valentine's Day.
I already gave her her Valentine's Day present. I upgraded her iPad to iOS 7. That's the kind of husband I am.
Probably need a pizza upgrade - pepperoni v8.8 and moz uber v3.01
I did cook a birthday cake for her 36 years ago.
It would probably be a better present this year NOT to cook her a birthday cake.
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