I've been to the Laser Training Center at Cabarete in the Dominican Republic several times.
Next winter they will have a new coach, Judith Krimski, who writes the
Center of Effort blog.
I would really like to go back to Cabarete next winter, maybe with a group of local sailing friends.
Today I came across this photo. It's from a
Facebook group set up for Laser sailors who were at Cabarete from 12-15 January this year and it was posted by Kristian Joos.
I have to say it brings back memories of what it is like sailing there. It's a very typical scene.
All of my posts about Cabarete can be found
Getting caught wrong in the shore break is not good - something I found out playing with Lasers in the Atlantic Ocean off Assateague Island back in the 1970's. Damage - top mast and the deck around the mast hole.
That's not the shore break. You can see the shore in the background. That's a breaking wave in the middle of the bay. Or maybe near the reef. They have both! Cray!
I does look like the reef, coming back in. We weren't supposed to come close....
Mr. Tillerman, I am glad to read that you are considering to form a group of sailors to come and train with us here in Cabarete. Though the picture you chose may really question the meaning of the word 'friends' by some of your sailing buddies.
On the serious side, we now run at least 60% of our training inside the bay, for more chop and shifty conditions as appears to be the most common conditions elsewhere. We sail out of the bay to take advantage of the user friendly waves to learn how to surf downwind. Afterwards downwind sailing is much easier and rewarding anywhere else.
Oh yeah, I remember those "choppy" conditions inside the bay at the Caribbean Midwinters in 2007.
"User friendly waves"? Make sure your life insurance is paid up before heading south!
But it does look like a lot of fun, especially in someone else's boat.
Actually Jon, the only times I have sailed outside the reef at Cabarete is when the waves (and winds) have been "user-friendly." When it's very windy the clinics and regattas usually stay inside the bay. Which is why some of the apparently scariest photos of sailing there are actually inside the bay.
And it is a lot of fun.
Tillerman: We hope you will come to our lovely spot at Cabarete this winter. I can'r promise conditions similar to the ones in the photo but I can promise a really great sailing experience for you and your cohorts. Anyway if we don't do a great job with you guys and gals I'll have to hear about it all summer!
Sincerely - Coach Judith Krimski
Laser Training Center
Many years ago I played trombone for the local production of "Cabaret" on Maui which was in the historic Iao Theater (which opened in 1928). Fun musical. Don't know why you spell it with an e at the end.
Love that song Panda...
What good is sitting alone in your room?
Come hear the music play
Life is a cabarete, old chum
Come to the cabarete.
It's inside the bay (I was there when the video was taken...). On that day we couldn't get out of the bay because the waves were breaking in between the reefs! Next day, waves were still huge and we went. It is really awesome to ride down those waves when you hardly see the mast tops of the boats ahead :-)
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