Always Another Race
I always loved sailboat racing. There was nothing else that I would rather do. To line up on the starting line and then play the game is what it is all about. To succeed, you must stick with the sport for a long time. There is always another race, so don't get down on yourself, whenever things turn against you. The ultimate reward is the one, which we all will gain, that is if we play it fair and square. It is the friendship and respect from other people, from all over the world. I wouldn't want to trade any of them, for any victory, that I have been fortunate enough to achieve. Remember, it is only a game and there is always another race.
Magnus Liljedahl
From the Quantum Sails site - also picked up by Scuttlebutt and some other sailing bloggers today. No apologies for repeating it because it sums up this crazy addictive sport better than anything else I have read recently.
Even if he does sail a freaking Star.
Yes, it could not be put in words any better than Magnus did. It made my day after I had a terrible night. If only the softwater season would not be so far (4-6 weeks) away. I am not into frostbiting with boats. 2.6°C this morning here in the north of Germany.
smooth sailing
_/) _/)
At this time I must gratuitously name drop with this fact:
My skipper and I beat Magnus at the Lake Sunapee Open last year. I sailed on Kalypso with Scott Rosen.
Magnus' quote is one of the best I have heard about sailboat racing.
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