Looks like we will have 10-15 knots from the S for frostbiting in Newport tomorrow, but I'm sure we will have some heavy weather days before the end of the season. We always do.
When it really blows I must admit my racing goals tend to be somewhat.... ummm let's say "conservative." The chart above pretty much sums up how I feel on those days.
Full disclosure: the graphic was shamelessly stolen from
a relatively new Sunfish sailing blog that I came across the other day. Hmmm. Some of those guys look awfully familiar.
I just love the idea that somewhere exists with that name.... and I want a club teeshirt!
So far I've only failed at 1 & 2 but it's only a matter of time before I get the full set.
Massapoag is, of course, a native American name and it means "big pond" or "big water" which is a little odd because some of the locals tell me that the "lake" was marshland until being artificially made into a lake relatively recently. And it isn't exactly big either.
MYC do have club shirts and hats. There is an email contact on their website for them. They might be prepared to ship you a T-shirt, splinter, if you ask nicely (and offer them enough money!)
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