Thursday, September 02, 2010

Storm Prep


Peter said...

Funny...I have the exact same storm preparation. I'm not looking forward to this storm.

Stay safe!

JP said...

Good luck!

O Docker said...

They say it could be dark and stormy.

Anonymous said...

i had no idea i was so prepared for hurricanes!

Tillerman said...

We are ready!

Turinas said...

Don't panic Mr Mainwaring

Baydog said...

Come hither to NJ. I'm prepared in February. And 11 other months.

Anonymous said...

I am inland, but still getting prepared!

Baydog said...

I am a rock
I am inland

bonnie said...

Not so much.

Where's that friggin' cold front? Bleah.

MJ said...

That Mount Gay stuff is evil. Especially when you keep drinking it after you run out of mixers.

Tillerman said...

Mixers? What are they?

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