Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Sailing Photo Quiz - Really

Thanks to Captain JP for the inspiration for this post.

What is the sailing connection between these three photos?


JP said...

Hmmmm tricky as don't know the third but here are some ideas:
1) top photo is Ann Widdencombe (MP) who is patron of the disabled sailing associationi
2) middle one looks like Liz Hurley who starred in a sailing film called "kill cruise" which I've never heard of let alone seen - but she also works with charities for the disabled

Cold / warm / get your coat?

Tillerman said...

Good start JP. I suspect my readers will have to work towards this one step by step, and by tricking me to reveal some other clues along the path.

You are correct that the first one is Ann Widdecombe - the novelist and former Conservative MP. I didn't even know of her connection to disabled sailing so that's not going to help you.

The second one is not Liz Hurley. Trying to establish a link through charities for the disabled is not going to help you

I am sure a good first step would be work out the identities of all three ladies.

Then you might stumble into something which is not sailing related that they all have in common.

And then, paradoxically, you will actually be getting warm.

Joe said...

1) The Rt. Hon Miss Ann Widdecombe PC DSG - Patron – The Disabled Sailing Association
2) Caroline Flack - Is Harry on the Boat?
3) Judy Murray - Tennis is coached and so is sailing. ????

Joe said...

"Strictly Come Dancing" is the common denominator.

JP said...

If this relates to strictly (or x-factor or the like) then I have no chance whatsoever

Tillerman said...

Joe is hot today.
Yes - Joe has identified all three ladies correctly.
Yes - one thing they have in common is that they all participated in Strictly Come Dancing.

But I asked for a sailing connection. What does dancing have to do with sailing?

The answer is nothing to do with disabled sailing or Harry or the other Harry or coaching or X Factor.

The answer I am looking for actually does have something to do with dancing. And blogging. And my kind of sailing. Of course.

Patrick Hay said...

One definitely gets an invitation on board for coffee and a nightcap. One probably gets an invitation (if the first choice declines). Finally Ann Widdicombe does not get an invitation on board my boat under any circumstances.

Is that a good enough sailing connection?

Tillerman said...

LOL. Not exactly what I was looking for Patrick.

But the answer does involve comparisons between the three ladies in a sailing context.

JP said...

Have they all danced to a / the same sailing related song?

Tillerman said...

Not as far as I know.

Joe said...

Dancing, blogging, and your kind of sailing. Ok, Mr. Google what can you tell me? Results: One and two.

Tillerman said...

Nice try Joe, but no cigar.

The answer to the quiz can indeed be found on a blog post but not on my blog, and not on the now defunct World Tour Stories blog.

I did actually do a few test Google searches myself and I was pleased to see that I couldn't get it to appear for any of the searches I did.

I have written before on my blog about the author of the blog post which contains the answer.

But his blog has never been on my list of top blogs of the year.

He is better known for his sailing achievements than for his blogging. (Unlike me.)

OK. Here's the best clue yet. I am almost giving it away here. The sailing connection for which you are searching is that this author in his blog post livened up the topic he was discussing by comparing certain sailing activities with dancing with each of the three ladies whose pictures are above.

So, dear reader, if you can't guess the whole answer then at least entertain us by writing some creative sentences along the lines of..

Sailing a (insert type of sail craft) on a (insert point of sail) is like dancing with (insert name of one of the three ladies) because (insert creative reason which can be derogatory or flattering about the lady concerned, preferably funny, and not too risqué for a family sailing blog like Proper Course.)

Have at it!

Tillerman said...

And I hope it goes without saying that as this blog does not discriminate on gender or sexual orientation, you are free to choose any personality with whom to dance in your sailing simile submission if the three ladies in the photos do not satisfy your requirements for a dancing partner.

Bonus points if you choose to dance with Donald Trump.

Tillerman said...

OK. Time to reveal the answer.

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