As you could have predicted, the comments on my post yesterday about the amazing itBike went from "Isn't it just a pedalo?" to "There will probably be foiling itBikes before you know it!" in a matter of hours.
Like them or loathe them, those foiling Moths and foiling AC72s have changed the way we think about boats of all sizes for ever.
But it's a good question: Can you foil on a human powered boat?
A quick Google confirms it's already been done. Here is a video of the famous Dwight and Steve pedaling away on their human powered flying boats.
In fact there are pictures of various pedal-powered foilers all over the Interwebs.
I never even knew.
I must get out more.
Forget the itBike. I want a foiling bike.
Rube Goldberg comes to mind.
Is Rube the foiling water bike world champion? Do they have a foiling water bike masters worlds? Where will it be next year? What do I need to do to qualify?
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