First of all, thanks to Magnus Wheatley at Rule 69 Blog we have The Lymington Cow.

And here's another boat you're not going to see at your local yacht club any time soon, a fleet of Flying Takos with custom spinnakers courtesy of Suzanne Zeluco at SZ Designs.

And last but not least...
Eli Boat and his buddies went to Nantucket
To race in a regatta in a little boat and try their luck. It
Is called a Cape Cod Frosty
And though our friend lost, he
Posted this pic. Geeze, that boat's no bigger than a bucket.
To race in a regatta in a little boat and try their luck. It
Is called a Cape Cod Frosty
And though our friend lost, he
Posted this pic. Geeze, that boat's no bigger than a bucket.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that's the worst limerick ever. What did you think I was going to rhyme with Nantucket?
I didn't "lose" as you put it Tillerman..I placed second, but did not defend the title. Other than that I kicked everyone elses ass in commanding usual.
I know! I know! But please allow me some poetic licence.
I wanted to write "came second he" or "kicked ass he" to end that line but neither rhymes with Frosty as well as "lost he".
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