But I hereby award the 2009 Proper Course Award for Best Regatta Blog Post of the Year to the account of the Hickling Broad Regatta 2009 by "Mondale", a story about how Mondale and three of his mates spent the weekend "sailing, drifting and drinking and eating bad food."
This is not exactly the Star Worlds, but it was clearly a wonderful experience for all concerned...
All regatta posts should have photos of how the boat is set up for racing...
And, of course, we all like to read exciting accounts of the sailing action...
"I normally object to such things as mobile phones when sailing but it was nice to be able to text the race committee and let them know of our progress. It was also nice to receive their sarcastic responses."
Personally, I also like to read about what top sailors eat at major events...
And then the climax of every good regatta post is the awards ceremony...
Ross (regatta organiser) presents Will with his
'longest distance travelled to visit regatta
but not actually enter a race' medal
'longest distance travelled to visit regatta
but not actually enter a race' medal
Much more in the same vein at Hickling Broad Regatta 2009.
Thank you Tillerman, an honour. I have passed on the good news to the crew.
The scary bit is that he next 'gentlemens' weekend looks like being a day of laser sailing!
You are welcome Mondale.
I look forward to reading your account of the gentlemen's weekend of Laser sailing. When will this historic event take place? And where?
Great boat!
Especially the inclinometer.
I just coughed up iced tea on my keyboard because of that comment O Dock. You owe me a new MacBook Pro.
I wonder if that inclinometer is allowed under Laser class rules?
That particular inclinomteter is my latest design, It works really well, the only problem being that you have to keep topping it up.
As for the Laser day, that will take place just as soon as our wives let us out of the house again.
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