Thursday, September 22, 2016

Sono andato a vela sul lago di Garda

Today I went sailing on Lake Garda.

It was the one day clinic before the RS Aerocup.

Winds started at around 12 knots and built up to 18 knots during the afternoon.

Lots of sailors capsized. I didn't capsize.

Lots of sailors were faster than me. A few sailors weren't.

At first I felt very clumsy and out of touch with how to sail in waves in medium-strong winds.

Then for a while I found my groove.

I learned something new at the clinic.

Bump bump.

Quiz question: What does the Rolling Stones song Back to Zero have to do with RS Aero sailing?


Enrico said...

Back to Zero, minimal sailing boat?;-)

bonnie said...

va bene!

Tillerman said...

Good answer Enrico. And to the extent that the song title describes the RS Aero sailing philosophy you are correct. But I was looking for a more tangible link between the song and the boat.

Tillerman said...

Tutto bene bonnie!

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