"If you need a coach to help you at your Championship, I don't think you're ready to sail in it!" - Terry Bischoff. The quote is part of a longer item by Mr. Bischoff in Scuttlebutt 3251. It's in the second item PUSSES AND WUSSES which is a commentary on my post on Monday, Mommies Gone Wild.
Well said, Sir. One of the best perspectives on regatta coaching I have heard to date.
PS. As far as I know the picture at the top of this post is not of Terry Bischoff.
Well played Sir. I loved reading this on Scuttlebutt.
Although after your recent comment on my own organ that you may be Scuttlebutt's so called curmudgeon
Actually I think my philosophy of refusing to be disappointed in the things not done is incredibly positive. It's Twain that is the curmudgeon with his depressing self-fulfilling prediction that you will be disappointed in everything you didn't do.
I loved Ed Rendell's comment on the Chinese. When I heard the game was postponed, I had similar thoughts. WWLHD? (What would Lombardi have done?) Yes, the Chinese would have left early and walked to the goddamn stadium doing calculus all the way (ho ho ho) A nation of wusses. Sadly, that's what we've become.
Ummm. I don't think the Chinese have a professional pointy football league, and up to now have shown very little interest in following US pointy football. Interesting article about this here.
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