American Laser sailor Andrew Campbell is with the team and wrote up his first impressions of China on his blog, He reports that there is very little breeze and that the heat and humidity are "miserable". Clearly concerned about dehydration, the US Team trainers passed out a chart for all the sailors to check that their pee was the right color.
Andrew didn't include a picture of this chart in his post but I am pleased to report that Tillerman's spy in the US team training camp has secured a copy of the official "US AILING Urine Color Chart".
So here it is... breaking inside news of US Olympic sailing secrets exclusive to Proper Course....

Hey coach, what do I do if it glows?!
If it glows, stay away from me. I always knew it wasn't a good idea to allow them to build that nuclear power plant on the Chesapeake.
What, glowing is a problem? In Los Alamos, where I grew up, it always glowed.
You guys are scaring me.
Glow for it! Just don't miss.
What if the sailor ate asparagus? How would that show up?
Excellent chart, I'm pinning it up in Lady Bug's head to keep my crew off of the Clear.
My spy on the US AILING Team Urine Testing Squad reports that asparagus caused a skunk-like odor in the urine of about 50% of the athletes who ate it. The squad is now working on a smell-o-vision chart to enable the sailors to perform their own deaspargusation tests.
You guys are hilarious!!! Thank you so much for the laugh!
I had asparagus last night. I always think of stinky wee whenever I eat it.
Well done fuff. Apparently the gene associated with asparagus stinky wee is also linked to high intelligence.
I am worried...and wondering how Tillerman got a hold of Klingon urine... Hmm... very worried.
You shouldn't be surprised Dan. According to the US government I am an alien and even have a card to prove it.
Seriously, regarding the Chesapeake Bay, we were warned the other day not to get in the water at Sandy Point, a popular launching and swimming spot close to the Bay Bridge. No, the water wasn't glowing but certain bacteria were having a field(?)day
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