Monday, February 14, 2011

Sailing Dad

I love this father's philosophy about his kids' sailing. He sees his role as supporting them with land-based logistics etc. but believes in leaving them to their own devices when they are out sailing. They will "figure it out" he says.

Each one of our three boys is different and they respond to their dad being around in different ways. I hope if you ask them, they would say that dad helps out with logistics, clothing, plans and equipment, but leaves them to their own devices when they leave the dock. I'm not on the water with them very often. I enjoy the families and atmosphere on shore and spending time with my wife. The kids will figure it out on the water.

Sounds like he is definitely not one of those obsessive Mommy Boat drivers who feel the need to follow their kids around in a motor boat every second they are on the water. I'm sure his sons appreciate being left to enjoy racing with the other kids and figuring it out on their own.

Who is this guy?

Only Ed Baird. More on being a sailing Dad in this interview.

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