Thanks to everyone who participated in the April group writing project in which I asked you to contemplate Sailing in the Second Space Age. Or, in other words, to share some speculation about what sailing will be like in the years 2025 to 2035 when we expect human beings will be landing on asteroids, Martian moons, and perhaps even Mars itself.
Many of you commented that this was a tough subject to tackle. I tend to agree. I couldn't really come up with a good post on the subject myself unless you count Top Ten Thoughts That Went Through My Mind As I Tried To Think of Something To Write For The April Group Writing Project.
So I do appreciate all of you that managed to come up with some very creative ideas on the topic...
Beachcomber is the only sailing blogger I know whose profile picture was actually taken from outer space. So it was not surprising that he gave us a space age article about sailing the solar wind in Race for Z-Prix Heats Up! May 4 2034.
The Bursledon Blogger gave us a Back to the Sailing Future dream or fantasy or drug-induced ramble. I'm not sure which. It seems to have something to do with the 1970's, a decade whose popular culture is thankfully almost a total blank in my mind.
Adam Turinas wrote a very well thought out piece touching on the technology used for engines in sailboats, communications and navigation technology, the information available to racing sailors, the aesthetics of sailboats and the skills required of sailors. Lighter, more efficient, smarter and a lot simpler.
My2fish, offered a wild series of predictions about the possible consequences of "global schwarming." Sharks with laser beams on their heads to fight pirates, the death of frostbiting, the Great Lakes as the "new Cape Cod", and the continuing popularity of the Sunfish in sunfish sailing: 2025 and beyond.
My2fish, offered a wild series of predictions about the possible consequences of "global schwarming." Sharks with laser beams on their heads to fight pirates, the death of frostbiting, the Great Lakes as the "new Cape Cod", and the continuing popularity of the Sunfish in sunfish sailing: 2025 and beyond.
Captain JP submitted an hilarious piece of science fiction sports writing in America's Cup 2028.
Sam Chapin went beyond the clouds to write about where he will be sailing in 15 years and why LASER GUY STOPS WEARING HIS LIFE JACKET.
Jos Spijkerman let his imagination run wild in speculating about how the Racing Rules of Sailing might change in the next 25 years in Transcriptburst > 2034-10-21-14:03:09-LTW-RRS-P17-Mech12-v-Harder^2.
Jos Spijkerman let his imagination run wild in speculating about how the Racing Rules of Sailing might change in the next 25 years in Transcriptburst > 2034-10-21-14:03:09-LTW-RRS-P17-Mech12-v-Harder^2.
The author of Master of None, offered a post on the future rise of commercial sailing vessels in April 2025: Cargo Cat Debut Heralds Second Age of Sail.
SailSox contributed Looking Backwards at Sailing which describes a very positive, and quite believable future for our sport.
On the other hand Zen wrote a very pessimistic future in Fresh from Japan in which he describes various scenarios of polluted oceans and all-virtual sailing.
Joe Rouse gave us some excellent advice in The Tillerman Time Space Continuum. What Will Sailing Be Like In The Future (2025)?
Greg told us of his own plans for the sailing he and his wife Kris will be doing In the Year 2025.
Some_day_soling thinks that Maybe Sailing and Mars are Equally as Awesome.
David Anderson doesn't see a lot of change coming to Sailing in 2025.
O Docker gave us a typically zany Glimpse Into The Future.
And Andrew educated us with some Laser Maths.
Finally, Peconic Puffin spent the whole month contemplating his response and composing his post, and eventually stunned the sailing world on the last day of April with his radical answer to the question What Will Windsurfing Be Like In The Future?
Phew. I'm all futured out. I think I'll take a nap now.
Hey I said I didn't compose it...I borrowed (or stole) someone else's answer to a similar question.
But it was sincere. Also brief!
SPECIAL EXTRA NOTICE! I am cosmically confirmed, I tell ye! The "word verification" machine to comment wants me to type "thearge" as in "the arge of Aquarius"
This is the dawning of thearge of Aquarius, thearge of Aquarius
And if THAT isn't enough for you, I once played in the band for a production of Hair.
(I'm hoping this is at least marginally entertaining.)
Verification word: jocting.
As in, "I was just jocting you Puffin when I wrote that post."
verification word "contant"
I am contant with that explanation.
verification word "contant"
I am contant with that explanation.
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