areggio's channel on YouTube.
According to a comment posted on YouTube with the video, "Every start this kid would appear at the boat and hold position by tacking for the entire five minute sequence. The perpetual motion award goes to this kid who, during this sequence alone, tacked 48 times!"
He certainly seems to scare anyone else way from taking his spot.
I wonder if this would work for me in Lasers? Must try it at the New England Masters in a few weeks.
It might be a great strategy for a good starting position, but for those of us who are no longer in his age bracket, where would we hope to find any energy for the rest of the race ?
Good point!
Obviously, RRS are relaxed in the Opti class.
Maybe also in the New England Masters?
I didn't see any breach of the rules on the video. What do you mean Doc?
This is awesome... just the kind of passion that we need in sailing.
I love the stick-to-it-activeness this young sailor represents. I am so inspired that I think at our next training session we should just do taht for practice while singing "Just a Gigilo.".
Personally I find that singing Wheels on the Bus is much more effective.
Exactly. When did you last see someone invent such a brilliant new move in sailing? This kind of commitment and dedication and ingenuity and passion is what the USA needs to cultivate in our sailors if we are ever going to win some Olympic medals again. Watch out for this kid pulling this move on the start line in the 2028 Olympics.
Hard to see from this angle but there is the possibility that (although there was no contact) that R10 or R11 was potentially broken.
Surely you could get him to breach a rule pretty easily? - I'm sure Ben would if that kid was between him and a gold.
Yes JP. Anyone coming in at the boat on starboard tack would certainly either get fouled by him or force him to stop his antics. It almost looks as if all the other kids are thinking, "I'm not going anywhere near that crazy dude doing his tacks at the boat."
By the way, he comes from New Jersey. Mantoloking Yacht Club. Baydog probably coached him.
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