I'm a pretty competitive type and I love competitions on blogs. And Pandabonium over at Sweet Bluesette has a doozy of a challenge over at his Winter Doldrums Contest.
Panda sails the only Lido 14 (so far) in Japan with his lovely lady Kimie, and his blog is mainly about their jaunts on aforementioned Lido usually followed by a delicious meal at Mama's Kitchen. The contest is to answer three questions about the picture above so head over to Winter Doldrums Contest right now and have a shot. Panda is offering real prizes for the first three correct (or near enough) answers! Woo Hoo!
For the record, there is already one winner, but modesty prevents me from revealing his name.
One more winner. One more prize left. Go for it.
Panda has added a clue. Use the clue and a search engine and you will find the answer.
If I can do it, anybody can.
Even if you can't solve the puzzle, you can at least enjoy browsing Sweet Bluesette, reading about sailing the Lido and eating at Mama's Kitchen.
have great success on the water.
Lido 14 Racing Main Sail
Lido 14 Racing Jib Sail
Lido 14 “Cruising” Main Sail
Lido 14 “Cruising” Jib Sail
Lido 14 Jib Sheets (attached)
DoubleWave offers the broadest range of new and used Lido 14s, Lido 14 parts and accessories including rigging, whisker poles, racing and cruising foils, covers, and just about every hardware part found on a Lido 14.
To learn more or to place an order, please contact John Papadopoulos at DoubleWave at john@doublewave.com or (949) 466-0888 (cell).
The Ullman Sails racing main sail comes standard with a large window, Lido 14 royalty tag, Lido 14 insignia, removable battens, leech telltales, sail numbers, any applicable class honor awards, and a roll type sail bag.
The Ullman Sails racing jib comes standard with a large window, Lido 14 royalty tag, snap button style hanks, and a roll type sail bag. Jib sheets are optional. The standard jib sheets are ¼” in diameter and are hand sewn to the clew of the jib to form a slot for the standard Lido 14 whisker pole to insert into. If you use a unique type of whisker pole (e.g. clip on), please note this at the time of order and the sheets will be modified accordingly.
Compared to the Ullman Sails racing sails, the “cruising” sails are of a similar size but use a different panel layout using heavier, and thus more durable, fabric – also making them more appropriate for folding. The “cruising sails” also incorporate smaller windows. An excellent choice for casual day sailors.
Terms & Conditions
* Prices do not include any applicable California sales taxes. Out of state customers pay no sales tax.
* Payment by Check, Cash, or PayPal on delivery
* All prices exclusive of shipping. We ship anywhere
Hmmm. Lido spam?
I think he got new sails just this past year.....
It really is not fair for you to offer coaching to your readers on how to solve the puzzle over at Bluesette.
Other readers of Bluesette show up there ready to compete, unassisted. Not everyone can afford the luxury of reading a Mommy Blog.
The Bluesette Winter Doldrums Contest was established specifically to test the natural B-movie watching ability and the Googling skills of competitors on a level playing field.
This growing plague of Mommy Blogs has upset that balance and is creating an environment where it will become mandatory for Bluesette contest participants to seek out their own Mommy Blogs if they are to have any chance of remaining competitive.
Stop the madness now!
Good point O Docker. I hear that some competitors even went to the length of subscribing to Netflix and renting every 1950's Sci Fi B-movie ever made in an attempt to crack the problem. This is totally unfair. If it goes on like this the sport of solving Bluesette quizzes will be as unfair as Laser sailing
QuizCheat offers the broadest range of new and used clues to Lido 14 quizzes, Lido 14 contests and Lido 14 puzzles including search strategies, secret links, video teasers, quotation directories, and movie trailers for just about every Inernet quiz about a Lido 14.
To learn more or to place an order, please contact Jack Grabaholdofthis at Quizcheat at jack@quizcheat.com.
The contest was specifically designed to find out who I trust, and it has succeeded beyond my expectations.
Tillerman has not only shown himself to be a winner once again, but has supported my blog, suggesting that people might enjoy reading it.
Where Sam Chapin is getting paid in all this, I don't know, but it looks promising.
Considering the prizes involved, I'm not at all worried about cheating or coaching. But it does give me some ideas for future internet marketing schemes.
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