Monday, May 05, 2008

Learning Experiences

It's time for another group writing project, a bit like the one we ran last May on Worst Sailing Mistakes. This time the subject is Learning Experiences.

Same rules as before. This is how it works...

1. Write a post on your blog about a "learning experience" that is related to sailing. Some of us use that phrase to describe a major screw-up as in, "Oh no! Not another learning experience." But you can interpret it how you want. It might be a story about a funny or an embarrassing mistake you made, or it might be a serious post about something you learned while sailing, or something you learned from a book or a course, or even a tale in praise of a favorite instructor or coach. It can be about racing or cruising or day-sailing.If you have pictures or video we'd love to see them. The idea is for us to create a collection of our learning experiences that will be of interest to fellow sailors.

2. Once you've posted your story, let me know about it by sending an email to including a link to your post. If you don't have a blog just email me the story and I will post it here. Please let me know about your post or send me your story before Saturday 17 May. By the way, please give your story a title that is more descriptive than "Learning Experience". Otherwise I will be forced to choose a unique title to use in the link and you don't want that, believe me.

3. I will post here two links to your story. Every day or so I will write a post listing any new stories. Then at the end of the project I will provide a summary post with links to all of your learning experiences.

4. Then it's your turn: surf, surf, surf. Check out all of the stories and leave comments here letting us know which ones you like best. If you wish you can also link to some or all of the stories on your own blog. It's all about sharing information with fellow sailing bloggers and learning from each other.

Please participate in this project. Do it for fun. Do it to so that new readers will find your blog. Do it as a public service. Just do it.


Mal Kiely [Lancelots Pram] said...

I'll give it a go... my problem is that I've had so many "Learning Experiences" out on the water, it's gonna be hard picking just the one! hahahahaa. I'll spend a bit of time this arvo thinking and writing. Thanks for the challenge.

Mal :)

EVK4 said...

I recently wrote about one where I learned a different appreciation of sailing but hold off on that as my official entry. I'll think of something to write today. I like these exercises, they keep me from writing about my pseudo feud (fseudo?).

Pat said...

This past weekend's learning experiences were somewhat tangential to the intent of your challenge, because they involved the results of trying to coordinate 15 to 20 volunteers on six support boats. We had everything from a photographer caught in a parade to a photo-finish in our last race.

Tillerman said...

Pat, a learning experience involving the organization of volunteers to run sailing activities would make a great story for this project. Edward, Mal - look forward to reading your stories too. Pass the word.

bonnie said...

How about my worst & stupidest kayak-guide error ever? Learned tons...but ugh.

Biggest lesson learned was about trusting myself & not automatically deferring to somebody else even if in my opinion they ARE a better kayaker.

of course this is only if I can actually find some free time to write it.

bonnie said...

ps - I did find time to answer your question re VHF's & epirbs for us small boats unlikely to be far offshore. Good question too.

EVK4 said...

I apparently have never learned anything while sailing but today I did learn something while thinking and obsessing about sailing from the comfort of my office. Behold, Point Nemo.

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