Welcome to the world of sailing blogging to new blogger, and my Blogger of the Week, SailFast13©.
SailFast13© is written by 16-year-old Brent J. Burrows (aka BJ) who is fortunate enough to live in the Bahamas. This past week he has been competing in the Sunfish Worlds in the Bahamas and blogging about it every day... in both text and video formats. In his profile he says, "I will discuss various regattas I have taken part in, as well as my sailing in general, and also how sailing is affecting my life. Videos and photos of my sailing campaign will also be posted." So it sounds like he is going to keep the blog going now the Worlds are over. He should.
I hope you enjoy BJ's accounts of his racing at the Worlds as much as I did. It sounds like it was a windy, fun regatta. I must admit that reading his stories made me a little nostalgic for my former life as a Sunfish sailor, and part of me wished I was out there with him thrashing around in the bottom half of a Sunfish Worlds fleet just like the good old days in Cartagena and Santo Domingo.
But it was an aside in Thursday's post that made me realize how much BJ and I are alike (even if we are separated by 45 years in age). He confessed, "The more I sail Sunfish, the more I can't wait to get into Lasers ."
Yes dude. I know exactly what you mean.
By the way is BJ the first blogger to include that little copyright symbol © in the name of his blog? Damn. Why didn't I think of that?
Wow, Thank you!
I enjoy reading your posts just as much as you enjoy reading mine. Thanks for the honor, I'll be sure to keep blogging whenever I can!
Take Care,
SailFast, Live Slow!
Natural progression, Sunfish to Laser. When I was ten, I didn't put my Sunfish away properly, and later when I went down to the water, my boat was gone. My Father noticed that I wasn't being responsible with my boat and he moved it down to a neighbor's house way down the other end of the lagoon. I panicked and thought it had been stolen. When I found out that my Dad was teaching me a lesson, from that day forward, I treated my Sunfish and Lasers like gold. Cherish your sailboats; the majority of people will never know the joy and satisfaction that they bring to their owners.
Speaking about honor: Sailfast13 is currently ashore in Belgium. Read his blog entries about SAS - Semester at Sea.
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