Friday, November 16, 2007

Kippers on Friday

According to Mackenzie Limited...

Kippers are part of an ancient British tradition that spans thousands of years.

The best kippers start with the best herring, freshly caught in the cold waters of the Atlantic or North Sea. Cleaned and butterflied, the herring are brined and smoked with hardwoods, which may include hickory, oak, or other woods. The process, while passed by the British from generation to generation, is unique to each region and producer, making each type of kipper (Manx, Loch Fyne, and Caster to name a few) almost its own distinct product.

However, kippers are not just delicious, they are also quite good for you. They are very high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to lower rates of both heart disease and inflammatory ailments such as arthritis, and also low in saturated fat. The British Nutrition Foundation recommends 2-3 servings of oily fish (such as herring or mackerel) per week in order to take advantage of the omega-3 content, and kippers are a superb choice.

Kippers can be grilled or baked (dotted with butter and wrapped in aluminum foil), and are delicious on their own or as part of a dish. A traditional British breakfast is to serve a grilled kipper with scrambled eggs and toast.


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that no one has commented on kippers. This post so inspired me that I found my way to the local Trader Joe's (after sailing, no less) to pick up several tins of smoked herring. Maybe they are served fresh in GB, but here it seems they are available only in tins.

I used to be able to enjoy my kippers in peace until one day my daughters figured out they like them. Now, when they smell an open tin (which can be smelled from far, far away) they come running.

Mondale said...

ummm, I'm off to buy some right now!

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