And check out more spiders at frogma and Love & Coconuts.
Emily: Look Grandad, I've drawn you a picture!Frostbite racing starts on Sunday. I'm not sure how the other fleet members will react if I show up in mittens and a dress. Even if it is snowing.
Me: That's very nice Emily. Who is it?
Emily: It's you Grandad!
Me: Oh yes. Now you mention it, I can see it's me. What's all this at the top of the picture?
Emily: It's snowing!
Me: What am I wearing?
Emily: Mittens!
Me: It's good to wear mittens in the snow. What else am I wearing?
Emily: A dress!
Me: A dress? Why am I wearing a dress?
Emily: Because it's snowing, of course!
Me: Oh.
more control lines than you can count | 5 control lines |
crew required | no crew required |
trailer required | trailer optional |
hand brake on trailer | dig your flip-flops into the gravel to stop runaway boat |
usually mast breaks when you death roll (see Vince Brun death roll, 1988 Star NAs) | mast does not break when you death roll |
hiking strap and hiking vest required | need hiking strap only |
halyards | no halyards |
more stays than you can count | no stays |
spreaders | no spreaders |
jib | no jib |
whisker pole | no whisker pole |
$65,000 for a new boat | $6,000 for a new boat |
spreaders and stays constantly need adjusting for changing conditions | only need to adjust outhaul, cunningham and vang for changing conditions |
more expensive than a 3-ring circus | more fun than a barrel of monkeys |
Can you believe the bare-faced cheek of this person? Who does she think I am? Does she have no respect for rules? Doesn't she know I am anal-retentive?This is definitely against the rulesHi Tillerman,
It's me again, the lady flogging the book. Well, I'm writing because, actually, I was wondering if I could enter your less is more writing project. I have an entry that is perfect for so many reasons:
1) It's a lone sailing story on a blog about relationships (less is more)
2) about how the only race my fanatical racer of a husband has ever won (less is more)
3) was in a non-flying-sails class (less is more)
4) with only one crew member aboard (less is more)
5) and that crew member was lil ole me (less is definitely more as it was my first race ever--except one Snipe race with my dad circa 1979).
Perfect, right? Well, the only problem is I wrote this perfect post back in July, long before less is more was even a glint in your eye. So I'm assuming I'm automatically disqualified since I'm not psychic like O docker--and you made him write a new one anyway.
I'm convinced that's my fate as well, but thought I'd try to play on your sympathies (two young children, very little childcare, we've all had the flu--no, not the flu, the plague!).
All in fun,
P.S. Here's the post: http://blog.seattlepi.com/happilyevenafter/archives/171071.asp
Dear Mr. Tillerman:Hmmm. You would think that would be easy.
I too am 60-something.
I too would like to die in a Laser.
But I am a prairie boy from Calgary, Alberta who knows nothing about sailing.
I recently bought a Laser.
I need to learn to sail it.
If I could wait till next summer, I'd go to the Laser Sailing School in Weymouth, England and make a holiday out of it. But I can't wait. Nor can I face another winter in the cold frozen north (Canada) without a break.
Do you know of any schools where a guy could attend for a week or so to learn how to rig and sail a Laser? I mean, anywhere in the world, though Florida or California would be the most convenient. But convenience is not as important as learning how to sail; so I'd go anywhere, preferably in February when winter is at its worst up here.
Sailmonster is self generating. Our members make it great or not. We have been hit by SA as copying them which is not the case. That is why we formed. FU-SA Family United Sailing Association:) http://www.sailmonster.com/videos/id_1025/title_family-united-sailing-association/ Our site is for all ages and clean.
12:34 PM
Anonymous said...
I have been to the sailmonster site, it sucks the most of any site I have been to. Not a single thing about sailing. maybe some raft ups and local stuff. but to say you are copying sailing anarchy is a joke.
7:10 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Sailmonster.com Sucks
7:53 PM
Jeff said...
Yeah,Sailmonster Sucks, worst of the worst
5:06 PM
Jerry Stanford said...
Sailmonster.com is the sailing my space for adult drunken sailors, and calling them adult is stretching the term. No actual sailing content,unless you consider the youtube videos that someone else made, the ones they made themselves are just pathetic. You have a salesman that runs sailmonster.com,and his wife, both of which get sickening real fast.
Sailing Anarchy Rules
11:30 AM
Roznos said...
From Sailmonster:
Thanks for the feedback. If you had half a brain you would realize that Sailmonster.com is designed for people to publish there own sailing news, stories, experiences and meet other people that do the same. Our focus is to get people on the water. If you think that promoting sailing and running events to raise money for kids and sponsoring races sucks go to ning.com and start your own site like seaknots for free Rockstar.
9:04 AM
Peter Lyons said...
Well I happened to go to your site sailmonster and watched it for the past week or so. I wouldn't say it sucks. It is ok if you like the owner, namely you telling people how great you are and patting yourself on the back in your articles. Its a shame no one else seems agree.
Most people that have a good site, a good job,or anything good don't go around trying to pushing it down people's throats. They don't have to, they know what and who they are or what their site does.
You say go to ning.com for free, well I am not promoting a website and if I did,I might just use it. I wouldn't be like you and advertise to my whole website audience how much it cost to add features to my website like you do. Big Bucks it will cost me etc. etc. etc..
Come on down to earth. Your website is not a serious sailors site no matter how much you try to sell it to everyone. You have you, your wife, a few of your local buddies and a few other members that keep it going. Just look at how many are online, not many at all compared to other sailing websites.
I would never have posted this here but after reading your reply to the other comments, I just had to let you know what your site really is.
And by the way most of the people from your site have gone over to Seaknots and they think it is just great, it actually has a huge variety of user generated info about cruising. Not like yours,where you and your wife are the main contributors of photos and videos and articles that someone else has done,that you mainly copied from other webpages and posted them on your site and where the polls are "how much wood can a woodchuck chuck".
Come off it, do you think serious sailors want to read that stuff and the other goofiness that goes on at sailmonster.
Peter Lyons
9:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Hi Peter,
Thank you for your input. Sorry if an open discussion offended you. Not sure if you are aware of what we do. Have a great day.
10:02 AM
Peter said...
I was not offended in any way. I was just giving you my feedback on your website.
It is not an open discussion there, in fact there is no discussion there. It is YOU that does all the talking, all the posts,all the patting yourself on the back and most all of everything. You sit in your shoutbox all day long and if no one answers you, you still keep on talking.
You may post events and you may help sponsor things in your area,and try to promote sailing with your site, which is great.
But in reality, if you sit down and look at it truthfully,as a sailing website, it is really the most childish sailing website on the internet today.You have no useful information for sailors,no original content,just rehashed videos,photos,and articles,that is posted all over the internet before you even put it up on your site.
11:34 AM
Anonymous said...
Sailmonster.com is a joke on most of the real sailing websites. ENOUGH SAID
12:32 PM