Another entry today in our group writing project Worst Sailing Innovation Ever.
Joe Rouse writes a most excellent blog called The Horse's Mouth. It is without a doubt the best blog on the planet about fishing while wearing a bikini, surf, Laser sailing on San Francisco Bay, cats, and powerboats masquerading as sailboats.
Joe's suggestion for Worst Sailing Innovation Ever is The MacGregor 26, a powerboat masquerading as a sailboat.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. If you haven't sent in your entry yet, then don't delay. The project closes next Monday February 15th. Please do tell us all what you think is the Worst Sailing Innovation Ever. You don't even need to have your own blog to participate. Full details at Worst Sailing Innovation Ever.
I almost always do a double take when I see one speeding by on a plane with that huge 55hp outboard motor. If they took the rigging off at least it would look a bit more normal! Nah
I really wish I'd thought of that. It's a shuddering ugly boat.
Adam: It's soooooo but-ugly with its high, straight up-and-down freeboard and "windshield". However, I've never seen an owner of one who was anything less than proud of his/her craft. And in the end, who are we to criticize one's floating palace?
P.S. Thoughts and prayers to the family of the Georgian Luger. NBC should never have aired the fatal run. I could not resist seeing it the first time; I seriously regret my lack of restraint.
Or Butt-ugly, I suppose
We're sailors, it's a powerboat. Enough said.
I agree, NBC showed poor taste in airing that horrific scene. I saw it while walking into the room to watch the Opening Ceremony.
I know of several people who started out with a MacGregor and then moved on to a real sailboat -- although not all of them started with the 26X or 26M, the two power-boaty models. Heck, even Zorro once had a Mac (although one of the older models).
The redeeming feature of the Mac is that it lets some people taste sailing and get into the sport.
Yeah, that was bad taste on NBC's part. A simple verbal description of the incident was all that was needed -- that plus the expressions on his teammates' faces during the parade of nations conveyed all that was needed.
My yacht designer of a husband absolutely agrees and I do grudgingly as well. I just don't consider them sailboats. :)
As for NBC showing the clip. We were so disgusted during the news, pre-opening ceremony, we changed the channel. When we changed back for the ceremony and they played it twice more, I wrote them a letter. Bad taste indeed. My thoughts and prayers go to his friends and family. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all his teammates.
Is it just me, or have Tillerman's pics become overly phallic of late? I'm a big fan of the wurst, myself. On a plate.
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